The Netflix for Knowledge
Staying up-to-date in our fast-changing world is tough, with so much information coming at us. That’s where Futurwise jumps in.
Think of us as your ‘Netflix for Knowledge’. We sift through the noise to find high-quality, trustworthy content, then wrap it up in personalized, daily multilingual digests that hit the spot—whether you’re into reading, listening, or watching.
We democratize access to knowledge, regardless of background or expertise, while offering publishers a new scalable revenue stream.
Join Futurwise, and let’s unravel the world’s stories, one personalized insight at a time.
Hyper-personalized Daily Digests

Digital Dialogue: Improve Your Knowledge
The Digital Dialogue is available to all users free of charge. When users consume their daily digest, they have the opportunity to dive deeper into what they have just consumed, using a dialogue with the Futurwise AI. The dialogue automatically matches the user’s tone of voice, writing style and language. The user’s conversation with the AI help grow the users’ knowledge and the AI will remember past conversations. For organisations, the Digital Dialogue offers a unique competitive advantage, by involving all employees in their innovation program.